Skill-Building Programs

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Skills Training

Global Gathering Place has a variety of skill-building programs for newcomers, including the following:

Breaking Ground: In this program for 17-30 year old newcomers, participants are guided through a series of hands-on workshops and presentations where they set short-term and long-term goals. Breaking Ground empowers young adult clients to break into the job market and begin their journey towards finding a meaningful career in Canada.

Citizenship Test Preparation: Participants learn content from the Discover Canada guide for their upcoming Canadian citizenship exams. Each week, there are assignments, group activities, videos and handouts to help participants further understand Canada’s culture, history, politics, geography and more!

Cooking Healthy, Economical Food (CHEF): CHEF participants learn to cook complete meals and are involved in all aspects of food preparation including planning, shopping, and cooking. Participants become familiar with local supermarkets, learn to prepare balanced meals, and practice safe handling of food in the kitchen.

Computer Classes: Students gain important computer literacy skills including basic keyboarding skills, navigating the internet, and Microsoft Office applications. The goal is to introduce computer skills into clients’ everyday life, and to increase their confidence using a computer at the workplace.

Driving Theory: Driving Theory is offered monthly for 10 hours, and is delivered by a registered driving instructor. This program helps clients gain the knowledge of traffic signs, rules of the road, basic driving laws, and regulations necessary to gain their Class 7 learners’ licence.

Homework Help: Offered through both Saskatoon Public Schools and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, this program assists EAL students with their homework, classroom assignments and preparing for tests. Volunteers work in small groups with the students offering individual support, assisting with each child’s unique needs, and introducing activities aimed at improving written and verbal English communications skills.

Information Sessions: Every other week, GGP offers a drop-in information session designed to educate newcomers on a variety of settlement and integration topics including: parenting, community involvement, employment, Canadian culture, health care, education, personal and property cleanliness, driving, winter preparation and volunteering.

Swimming Without Fear: This program introduces beginner swimmers to the sport of swimming. Classes help participants develop basic swimming skills and teach vital knowledge about water safety, including information about the dangers of the South Saskatchewan River.

To see what skill-building programs are currently being offered, click here to view our monthly calendar.