Support for Newcomers
Newcomers to Canada can register as clients to get support on a variety of issues, like paperwork, signing up for English classes, and opening a bank account. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff can also help with:
Settlement Advice: Make an appointment to meet with a member of our staff to better understand and use Saskatchewan services, find answers to a wide variety of questions, and receive guidance on settling in Saskatoon.
Employment Support: Meet with an experienced GGP staff member to work together on your specific employment goals and professional development needs. Whether this is résumé support, information on the job market, interview preparation, and more!
Client Services: Clients will be able to access support, information and referrals on a wide ranging list of barriers: from legal problems, housing, relationship, parenting, transportation, employment, language, education to health and general well-being.
Mentoring: Clients can be matched to a volunteer who can meet with them on an individual basis to help them overcome their settlement challenges. Visits focus on reducing feelings of isolation, improving language skills, preparing for exams, attending medical appointments or connecting with community resources.
Mental Health Counselling Services: We offer one-on-one as well as group counselling sessions to all newcomers of all ages (including children and youth) by appointment.
To make an appointment for GGP services, please call 306-665-0268 or email info@globalgatheringplace.com.