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Coffee and Conversation

GGP Main Office 100 5th Avenue N, Saskatoon

Practice your speaking and listening with Saskatoon locals and meet other newcomers in a fun, engaging and welcoming environment. For more information contact Jasmine at

Event Series Computer Basics

Computer Basics

GGP Main Office 100 5th Avenue N, Saskatoon

Do you know how to use a computer but want to learn more? Join this 8-session class to expand your computer knowledge! This course will cover typing and introduce you […]

Event Series IELTS Test Preparation

IELTS Test Preparation

GGP Main Office 100 5th Avenue N, Saskatoon

Prepare for the academic IELTS exam in this in-person multi-session program.  Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from February 4 to February 20 and March 4 to March […]