Finding Connections and Lasting Friendships in New Home
Geetika is one of sixteen newcomer women attending WELL each week. She shares how the program has enriched her life and the value of participating in these sessions.

Newcomer Women Build Connections in WELL Program
The WELL (Women Exchanging Life Lessons) program brings newcomer women together weekly to participate in a variety of weekly skills building, social, and informative sessions with an emphasis on health.

USask Students Join GGP for Community Nursing Placement
Currently, four fourth-year nursing students from the University of Saskatchewan are spending Thursdays and Fridays with GGP as part of their Community Nursing Placement.

Purchase FundScrip Gift Cards to Support GGP
FundScrip is an innovative program that lets you support Global Gathering Place while shopping for everyday essentials such as groceries, gas, clothing, and more. By purchasing gift cards at face value for your usual shopping, a percentage of each purchase is donated back to GGP at no extra cost to you.

English Class Reflects on Their Experience at GGP
Through the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training, Government of Saskatchewan, Global Gathering Place offers twenty-one Stage 1&2 English classes and an Online English for Employment for Youth program across the province. Clients with temporary permits and new Canadian citizens attend these CLB 1 to 7 classes.

English Language Volunteer Finds Trust, Determination, and Hope Weekly at GGP
Leslie is one of our many outstanding volunteers who plays a critical role in assisting our clients while on their language journeys. Here, she reflects on her experience assisting students in our classrooms.